Lapping Films


Mark V Laboratory| 18 Kripes Road | East Granby, CT 06026-0540
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Phone: 800-243-9776 | 860-653-7201 | Fax: 860-653-4087

MARK V LAB METALLURGICAL SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT. Customer Service is our Top Priority. Call us at 800-243-9776 or 860-653-7201 a Customer Service Representative will answer the call to help you with sales or any other questions you may have. Email inquiries at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. get the same quick response. We offer Secure Credit Card processing through our Order Desk with exact charge shipping and no extra fees. You can request any type of shipping or ship it collect. We have it in stock, most of our extensive inventory is In Stock and Ready for Shipment the Same day.

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lapping.jpg.jpg Lapping Film is made of precision-graded minerals coated with controlled uniformity and bonded with a water proof resin system to a highly uniform, dense polyester film backing The product is available in strips, sheets, rolls and discs. Abrasives include Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide and Diamond.


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